Introducing: Native NFT Drops
Today we are thrilled to announce one of our most awaited features - Introducing: Native NFT Drops on Bonfire. Starting today, create new NFT edition drops natively from within your Bonfire dashboard, in just a few clicks.
In December we opened Bonfire to everyone, and today, with NFT Drops — the latest addition to our tool stack — creators can start and expand their community with new collections more easily than ever. NFT Drops is designed to be simple and intuitive, making it quick and easy for anyone to launch their next collection.

Last Sept we announced our integration with Sound protocol, enabling artists on Sound to import their music drops to Bonfire and design bespoke minting experiences for collectors on their own site, and we’ve been blown away by the response.

At the time, this was the entirety of our ambition for this integration. However, in working with the protocol we became increasingly impressed with the modularity and flexibility of its design. Given the permissionless and open-source nature of the contracts, we decided to remix and extend them beyond their original use case, to bring creators a simple tool to explore new use cases and launch edition drops beyond music NFTs, whether it be memberships, content NFTs, or visual art editions. When creating a collection on Bonfire, creators can choose between image and audio (with video support coming soon), add presales and allowlists, and easily access collector and collection data all from the Bonfire dashboard.

At Bonfire our mission is to help creators unlock the creative and economic potential of their communities. To ensure we’re able to do this over the long-term, we’ll take a 5% fee on primary sales for collections deployed natively on Bonfire, to help cover operating costs like development and customer support. This does not apply to drops imported to Bonfire from partner integrations such as Sound.xyz and Mintplex, which continue to be 100% free.

We invite all creators to experience the power of NFT Drops for themselves. Try it today. Experiment, have fun, and check our NFT Drops guide for more information about using the feature.

If you want to stay up to date with everything Bonfire, you can follow us on Twitter, join our newsletter or check our roadmap for upcoming features or to submit feature requests.

Thanks for choosing Bonfire! Now go drop it like it's hot 🔥

The Bonfire Team
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